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Hashicorp Terraform & Packer. Kubernetes Boilerplates

“It’s not controversial to provision resources with code. It shouldn’t be controversial to deploy and manage resources with code” (Jaana Dogan)

  1. HashiCorp Learning Resources Reference Guide
  2. Packer
  3. HashiCorp Cloud Terraform Cloud
  4. Blogs and Newsletters
  5. Terraform
    1. Alternatives to Terraform
    2. Managing secrets in your Terraform code
    3. Terraform Cloud
      1. Alternatives to Terraform Cloud
    4. HCL
    5. CDK Cloud Development Kit Terraform
    6. Python Boto3 and Terraform
    7. Terraform Infracost
    8. Awesome Terraform
    9. Terraform Cheat Sheets
    10. Best Practices
    11. Terraform and CI/CD. Terraform Workspace
    12. Terraform Boilerplates
    13. Terraform and Kubernetes
    14. Terraform Kubernetes Boilerplates
      1. Hashicorp Terraform Kubernetes Collection
      2. Learnk8s Terraform and Managed Kubernetes
      3. OpenShift and Terraform
      4. Other Boilerplates
    15. Terraform Kubernetes Operator
    16. Terraform K3s Boilerplates
    17. Terraform and GCP
      1. Terraform GKE Boilerplates
    18. Terraform and AWS
      1. AWS Observability Accelerator for Terraform
      2. Terraform EKS Boilerplates
      3. AWSCC. Terraform AWS Cloud Control Provider
      4. AWS Control Tower Account Factory for Terraform (AFT)
    19. Terraform with Azure
      1. Azure Terrafy and AzAPI Terraform Provider
      2. Terraform in Azure DevOps
      3. Terraform Azure Stack Provider
      4. Terraform AKS Boilerplates
    20. Terraform and OCI
    21. Terraform and Minikube
    22. Terraform and Apache Kafka
    23. Terraform and JMeter
    24. Terraform Video Tutorials
  6. CDK for Terraform
  7. Graph Visualization Software
  8. Terraform Modules
    1. Terraform AWS Modules
    2. Segment AWS Stack Terraform Modules
  9. Terraform Providers
    1. Terraform AWS Cloud Control Provider
    2. Terraform Provider for Elastic Cloud
    3. Terraform Vault Provider
    4. Terraform AzureRM
  10. Terraform Code Quality. Terraform Quality Checks
  11. Enforce Policy with Sentinel
  12. Reverse terraform with Terraformer
  13. Terraform Tools
  14. Writing Terraform for unsupported resources with TerraCurl
  15. Terraform Frameworks
    1. Kubestack Terraform GitOps Framework
    2. Gruntwork Terragrunt
    3. Terraspace
  16. Terraform Associate Certification
  17. Images
  18. Videos
  19. Tweets

HashiCorp Learning Resources Reference Guide


HashiCorp Cloud Terraform Cloud

Blogs and Newsletters


Alternatives to Terraform

Managing secrets in your Terraform code

Terraform Cloud

Alternatives to Terraform Cloud


CDK Cloud Development Kit Terraform

Python Boto3 and Terraform

Terraform Infracost

  • Infracost ๐ŸŒŸ If you use Terraform to provision your Kubernetes clusters, you might find infracost interesting. Infracost estimates hourly and monthly costs for a Terraform project. It helps you to see the cost breakdown and compare different deployment options upfront.
  • A Guide to Cloud Cost Optimization with HashiCorp Terraform ๐ŸŒŸ The Terraform AWS provider now supports Code Signing for AWS Lambda, which involves digitally signing code artifacts and verifying at deployment.

Awesome Terraform

Terraform Cheat Sheets

Best Practices

Terraform and CI/CD. Terraform Workspace

Terraform Boilerplates

Terraform and Kubernetes

Terraform Kubernetes Boilerplates

Hashicorp Terraform Kubernetes Collection

Learnk8s Terraform and Managed Kubernetes

OpenShift and Terraform

Other Boilerplates

Terraform Kubernetes Operator

Terraform K3s Boilerplates

Terraform and GCP

Terraform GKE Boilerplates

Terraform and AWS

AWS Observability Accelerator for Terraform

Terraform EKS Boilerplates

AWSCC. Terraform AWS Cloud Control Provider

AWS Control Tower Account Factory for Terraform (AFT)

Terraform with Azure

Azure Terrafy and AzAPI Terraform Provider

Terraform in Azure DevOps

Terraform Azure Stack Provider

Terraform AKS Boilerplates

Terraform and OCI

Terraform and Minikube

Terraform and Apache Kafka

Terraform and JMeter

Terraform Video Tutorials

CDK for Terraform

Graph Visualization Software

Terraform Modules

Terraform AWS Modules

Segment AWS Stack Terraform Modules

Terraform Providers

Terraform AWS Cloud Control Provider

Terraform Provider for Elastic Cloud

Terraform Vault Provider

Terraform AzureRM

Terraform Code Quality. Terraform Quality Checks

Enforce Policy with Sentinel

Reverse terraform with Terraformer

Terraform Tools

Writing Terraform for unsupported resources with TerraCurl

Terraform Frameworks

Kubestack Terraform GitOps Framework

Gruntwork Terragrunt


  • Terraspace is a Terraform Framework that optimizes for infrastructure-as-code happiness. It provides an organized structure, conventions over configurations, keeps your code DRY, and adds convenient tooling. Terraspace makes working with Terraform easier and more fun.

Terraform Associate Certification


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