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DevOps Demos. Boilerplates/Samples, Tutorials & Screencasts

  1. DevOps Screencasts
  2. DevOps Blogs
  3. Kubernetes Blogs
  4. DevOps Docker Demos
    1. Container Tools
    2. Ansible and Ansible Tower
    3. GitOps
  5. Kubernetes Demos
    1. Webhooks app
    2. Django on K8s
    3. Postgres Operator
    4. CI/CD with SpringBoot for Kubernetes
      1. Deploy a Spring Boot Application to Openshift with Spring Cloud Kubernetes and Fabric 8 Maven Plugin
      2. Spring Initializr and k8s Initializer
    5. Kubernetes CKAD Example Exam Questions Practical Challenge Series
    6. Istio Service Mesh
    7. Envoy Service Mesh
    8. Consul Service Mesh
    9. Kubernetes Network Policy Samples
    10. Rancher
    11. GitOps Workflow with Flux
    12. Amazon EKS. Deploy example microservices on EKS
    13. Azure AKS
    14. Google Kubernetes Engine GKE
    15. Environments to learn and practice Kubernetes security
    16. Harbor Container Registry
    17. OPA Gatekeeper
    18. Konveyor Move2Kube
  6. Red Hat Demo Central
    1. Cloud Native Development Architectural Diagrams Demos
  7. OpenShift Demos
    1. Developer Sandbox
    2. OpenShift VS Kubernetes
    3. IBM Cloud Pak Playbooks and GitOps
    4. Knative
    5. OpenShift Pipelines Workshop (Tekton)
    6. OpenShift GitOps (ArgoCD)
    7. ArgoCD
    8. GitLab Pipelines on OpenShift
    9. Deploying Web Applications with Eclipse JKube (formerly known as Fabric8 Maven Plugin)
    10. Monitoring Services with OpenShift ServiceMesh
    11. Red Hat Migration Toolkit for Applications
    12. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management RHACM. Red Hat’s Hybrid And Multi-Cloud Platform
    13. OKD
    14. Helm demos
    15. Writing Kubernetes Operators
    16. Customized Reports with Metering Operator (monitoring k8s resources)
    17. Red Hat AMQ Streams (Kafka)
  8. Jenkins Demos
    1. Jenkins Declarative Pipelines with OpenShift
    2. OpenShift Pipelines with S2i and Jenkins Blue Ocean
    3. Jenkins Configuration as Code on Kubernetes
    4. From Jenkins Freestyle jobs to Pipeline, with JobDSL. Seed jobs
    5. Jenkins and GitHub
    6. Jenkins and AWS Kubernetes
    7. SDKMAN
    8. Jenkins Scripts
    9. Postman \& Newman API Automated Tests
    10. Monitoring Jenkins with Grafana
  9. Jenkins X
  10. Spinnaker
  11. Nexus3 on Kubernetes
  12. GitLab
  13. Spring PetClinic Sample Application
    1. Modular Pipeline Library (MPL). Petclinic Pipeline example with MPL
    2. PetClinic on Kubernetes
    3. PetClinic Docker images
    4. Samples
  14. AWS Samples (Boilerplates)
  15. Azure Samples
    1. Azure DevOps Demos. Azure DevOps Pipelines
    2. Azure Demos
  16. GCP Samples
    1. Google DevOps Demos. Custom Samples and Cloud Code
    2. GitOps with Anthos Config Management
  17. SpringBoot Demos
  18. Quarkus Demos
  19. Golang Demos
  20. Kafka
  21. Apache Camel \& ActiveMQ. Event driven integration
  22. Codeless
  23. JBoss EAP
  24. Terraform
  25. Prometheus and Grafana
  26. GitHub Actions
    1. RedHat GitHub Actions
  27. Red Hat Process Automation Manager
  28. API Testing and Postman
  29. OpenTelemetry
  30. QR Codes
  31. Serverless
  32. Labs

DevOps Screencasts

DevOps Blogs

Kubernetes Blogs

DevOps Docker Demos

Container Tools

Ansible and Ansible Tower


Kubernetes Demos

Webhooks app

  • Webhook endpoints available for your tests and demos.
  • Journey Of A Microservice Application In The Kubernetes World Presentation of . TL;DR is an open source application following the microservice architecture. Its purpose is to provide a webhook endpoint for demos. In this series of articles, I will present the application and several steps I used (and will use) to have it running in production in a Kubernetes cluster.

Django on K8s

Postgres Operator

CI/CD with SpringBoot for Kubernetes

Deploy a Spring Boot Application to Openshift with Spring Cloud Kubernetes and Fabric 8 Maven Plugin

Spring Initializr and k8s Initializer

Kubernetes CKAD Example Exam Questions Practical Challenge Series

Istio Service Mesh

Envoy Service Mesh

  • Service Mesh with Envoy This post will cover a working setup of a service mesh architecture using Envoy using a demo application. You will be using Envoy proxy for both control and data plane.

Consul Service Mesh

Kubernetes Network Policy Samples

  • ahmetb/kubernetes-network-policy-recipes 🌟 Example recipes for Kubernetes Network Policies that you can just copy paste. This repository contains various use cases of Kubernetes Network Policies and sample YAML files to leverage in your setup. If you ever wondered how to drop/restrict traffic to applications running on Kubernetes, this is for you.


GitOps Workflow with Flux

Amazon EKS. Deploy example microservices on EKS

Azure AKS

Google Kubernetes Engine GKE

Environments to learn and practice Kubernetes security

  • The Kubernetes Goat designed to be intentionally vulnerable cluster environment to learn and practice Kubernetes security.

Harbor Container Registry

OPA Gatekeeper

Konveyor Move2Kube

Red Hat Demo Central

Cloud Native Development Architectural Diagrams Demos

  • Cloud-native development is an approach to building and running applications to fully exploit the advantages of the cloud computing model (i.e. responsive, elastic and resilient applications).
  • Portfolio Architecture Workshops for creating impactful architectural diagrams. This workshop will teach you how to use, design, and create architectural diagrams based on the tooling and Red Hat Portfolio Architecture design elelements. You’ll leverage existing portfolio architecture diagrams as starting points.

OpenShift Demos

Developer Sandbox

OpenShift VS Kubernetes

IBM Cloud Pak Playbooks and GitOps

  • IBM Cloud Pak Playbook
  • cloud-native-toolkit/multi-tenancy-gitops 🌟 Provides our opinionated point of view on how GitOps can be used to manage the infrastructure, services and application layers of K8s based systems. The GitOps concept originated from Weaveworks back in 2017 and the goal was to automate the operations of a Kubernetes (K8s) system using a model external to the system as the source of truth (History of GitOps). This repository provides our opinionated point of view on how GitOps can be used to manage the infrastructure, services and application layers of K8s based systems. It takes into account the various personas interacting with the system and accounts for separation of duties. The instructions and examples are focused around the Red Hat OpenShift platform and IBM Cloud Paks. The reference architecture for this GitOps workflow can be found here.


OpenShift Pipelines Workshop (Tekton)

OpenShift GitOps (ArgoCD)


GitLab Pipelines on OpenShift

Deploying Web Applications with Eclipse JKube (formerly known as Fabric8 Maven Plugin)

Monitoring Services with OpenShift ServiceMesh

Red Hat Migration Toolkit for Applications

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management RHACM. Red Hat’s Hybrid And Multi-Cloud Platform


Helm demos

Writing Kubernetes Operators

Customized Reports with Metering Operator (monitoring k8s resources)

Red Hat AMQ Streams (Kafka)

  • HTTP-based Kafka messaging with Red Hat AMQ Streams
  • Message broker integration made simple with Red Hat Fuse This article presents a sample integration between Red Hat AMQ 7 and IBM MQ, using Red Hat Fuse 7 for the integration. Traditionally, developers have used resource adapters for message bridging with external systems. A resource adapter is a system library that provides connectivity to an enterprise information system (EIS). Similar to how a Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) driver provides connectivity to a database management system, a resource adapter plugs into an application server such as Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (JBoss EAP). It then connects the application server, enterprise information system, and the enterprise application.

Jenkins Demos

Jenkins Declarative Pipelines with OpenShift

OpenShift Pipelines with S2i and Jenkins Blue Ocean

Jenkins Configuration as Code on Kubernetes

From Jenkins Freestyle jobs to Pipeline, with JobDSL. Seed jobs

Video: From Freestyle jobs to Pipeline, with JobDSL. Click to expand!

Jenkins and GitHub

Jenkins and AWS Kubernetes


  • SdkMan is a tool for managing parallel versions of multiple Software Development Kits on most Unix based systems. It provides a convenient Command Line Interface (CLI) and API for installing, switching, removing and listing Candidates. Formerly known as GVM the Groovy enVironment Manager, it was inspired by the very useful RVM and rbenv tools, used at large by the Ruby community.
  • Using Jenkins Pipeline parallel stages to build Maven project with different JDKs
  • Demo: A single Jenkinsfile, a Java Maven project, a single Dockerfile, multiple Java versions build and tested in parallel thanks to SDKMAN:
Video: Jenkins Pipeline with multiple Java versions. Click to expand!

Jenkins Scripts

  • cleanup.Jenkinsfile: Jenkinsfile with Declarative Pipeline Multiline sh that cleanups old builds. All the Stages are now visually monitored. It is triggered every saturday night and ends with jenkins restart. These Multi-line bash commands make easier to read Jenkins Projects.
  • daily_restart.Jenkinsfile: A script that automatically triggers a daily restart of Jenkins due to performance issues (Jenkins is a Java application). Jenkins with Declarative Pipeline multiline sh that restarts Jenkins every night except on Saturday nights (when cleanup.Jenkinsfile is triggered).
  • confluence6-docker-build.Jenkinsfile: Declarative Jenkinsfile for building and uploading a docker image to Openshift-DEV, Dockerhub and Openshift-PROD (Stages are disabled via Conditional Build Steps). Tip: A Docker Plugin for Jenkins can easily replace this Jenkinsfile.

Grab them from here: awesome-kubernetes/scripts

Postman & Newman API Automated Tests

Monitoring Jenkins with Grafana

Jenkins X


Nexus3 on Kubernetes


Spring PetClinic Sample Application

Modular Pipeline Library (MPL). Petclinic Pipeline example with MPL

PetClinic on Kubernetes

PetClinic Docker images Samples

AWS Samples (Boilerplates)

Azure Samples

Azure DevOps Demos. Azure DevOps Pipelines

Azure Demos

GCP Samples

Google DevOps Demos. Custom Samples and Cloud Code

GitOps with Anthos Config Management

SpringBoot Demos

Quarkus Demos

Golang Demos

  • stefanprodan/podinfo Go microservice template for Kubernetes. Podinfo is a tiny web application made with Go that showcases best practices of running microservices in Kubernetes. Podinfo is used by CNCF projects like Flux and Flagger for end-to-end testing and workshops.


Apache Camel & ActiveMQ. Event driven integration




Prometheus and Grafana

GitHub Actions

RedHat GitHub Actions

Red Hat Process Automation Manager

API Testing and Postman


QR Codes

