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Scaffolding Tools

  1. Scaffold Definition
  2. Nodejs Scaffolding with Yeoman
  3. Java Scaffolding
    1. Java Scaffolding with Spring Roo
    2. Java Scaffolding with Maven
  4. Kubernetes Scaffolding. Built in snippets for creating k8s resources
  5. Other Scaffolding Tools

Scaffold Definition

Nodejs Scaffolding with Yeoman

Java Scaffolding

Java Scaffolding with Spring Roo

Java Scaffolding with Maven

  • Maven supports project scaffolding, based on project templates (called archtype). This is provided by the archetype plug-in. Maven provides archetypes for almost anything, from a simple Java application to a complex web application. The goal of this scaffolding is to allow a fast start into the Maven world. It provides the “standardized” folder structure of software projects.
  • You can create a project by executing the generation goal on the archetype plugin via the following command: mvn archetype:generate.
  • Maven

Kubernetes Scaffolding. Built in snippets for creating k8s resources

Other Scaffolding Tools

  • Atomist New automation platform, delivering pre-built automations called Skills.